IxDA SF is the San Francisco chapter of the global Interaction Design Association (IxDA). Serving over 10,000 members from around the Bay Area, IxDA SF hosts a wide range of design-focused and social events throughout the year.

We partner with great companies to host talks and activities that move interaction design forward and enable practitioners to advance skills, while also providing a platform for members to add their voices to the larger conversation about design practice.

Above all, we seek to curate the sharing of ideas, perspectives, and inspiration that help make us all better and more aware thinkers and designers.


Having fun at SF Interaction'19 [Redux]


Please reach out anytime with comments, questions, or ideas.

You can also find us on FacebookTwitterMedium, IxDA's global slack (look for the #san-francisco channel), and email us to be invited to our local IxDA-SF Slack channel. Occasionally, we wander out to LinkedIn, Flickr, and Instagram, too.

Local Leaders and Board of Directors

Since August 2018

Advisory Board

Past partners and sponsors

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