IxDA SF presents Interaction09 Redux
Saturday March 14, 2009 from 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Adaptive Path
363 Brannan Street
San Francisco, California 94107 Get Directions
IxDA SF presents Interaction09 Redux - Saturday, March 14th
UPDATED 3/11/09
A few House Keeping items:
1) RSVP at IxDASF.Ning.com - you'll have to sign up on the site if you haven't already. If you already RSVP'd but aren't going to make it, please update your status so we can keep get head count as accurate as possible.
2) Please make sure to arrive on time -- we've got a lot of great material lined up for the day, and we have just enough time to get through it all as long as we stick to our schedule.
3) Some food and beverages will be provided (pizza is the likely candidate), so we won't let your blood sugar level crash through the floor. But if you have specific dietary needs, please feel free to bring some food or snacks of your own.
4) We're asking for a $20 suggested donation to cover rentals, food, beverages, etc., but if money's tight just pay what you can.
Here's the current schedule:
12:00 - 12:15 Seating 15min
12:15 - 1:45 Steve Portigal 90min
1:45 - 2:00 Break 15min
2:00 - 2:25 Kumi Akiyoshi 25min
2:25 - 2:40 Break/QA 15min
2:40 - 3:05 Ian Swinson 25min
3:05 - 3:20 Break/QA 15min
3:20 - 3:45 Nadya Direkova 25min
3:45 - 4:00 Break/QA 15min
4:00 - 5:00 Kim Goodwin 60min
Earlier last month, 460 interaction designers converged in Vancouver to discuss, debate, and share a spectrum of topics that are important to our community of practice. The Interaction09 conference featured three days of tactical workshops, smart sessions filled with practical advice, and a fantastic collection of inspirational keynotes.
As you might expect, many of the contributors to the event came from our own Bay Area backyard. To take advantage of that fact, our next IxDA SF event will be a redux of the Interaction09 conference. Last year we followed up the inaugural Interaction conference with a redux of Alan Cooper's keynote -- this year we're going to deliver a whole sampling of conference sessions with a 1/2 day event!
Our day will start at noon, and our currently schedule sessions are:
"Well, we did all this research … now what?"
Steve Portigal, Portigal Consulting (http://tr.im/gN6P)
"Feeling: What makes an engaging product experience?"
Kumi Akiyoshi, Adaptive Path (http://tr.im/gN78)
"Postcard Patterns: An Agile UI Pattern Creation Process"
Ian Swinson, Salesforce (http://tr.im/gN7c)
"What’s in a game? A look at game design best practices as prime influencers of interaction design."
Nadya Direkova, Razorfish (http://tr.im/gN7q)
"Each One, Teach One (and Other Ideas for Delivering on the Promise)"
Kim Goodwin, Cooper (http://tr.im/gN7x)
Space for this event is limited, so please RSVP at ixdasf.org (forwards to ixdasf.ning.com, and please update the RSVP if your plans change).
We're asking for a $20 suggested donation to cover chair rentals, snacks, beverages, and materials.
Adaptive Path will be hosting the event at their office:
363 Brannan Street between (2nd and 3rd), SF