Great ideas come from different corners. Solving murky design problems often involves a crazy cocktail of people, talent, circumstance, data, and a good chunk of courage. At Autodesk we are inviting innovative people to talk candidly about the hard problems they’ve faced and how they have succeeded. We want to extend the invitation to others in San Francisco to be part of the conversation.
Flying Horses, Faster Cars: Principles of Emergent Design
We’ve all heard (and lived) the words: Agile Development. Lean Startup. Design Thinking. As product makers, most of our time is spent stuck in the trenches of designing, building and shipping products to market. We rarely have time to take a step back and think about the theory behind our best practices. This talk takes an accessible deep dive into the science of innovation, evolutionary biology and complex systems, answering:
- Why are there so many different power sockets in the world?
- What’s a fitness landscape and how do I get off my local maximum?
- Is there any truth behind the 80/20 rule?
- What do the Wright Brothers have to do with Instagram?