#fintech (1)

At Wells Fargo, we want to satisfy our customers' financial needs and help them succeed financially. We're looking for talented people who will put our customers at the center of everything we do. Join our diverse and inclusive team where you'll feel valued and inspired to contribute your unique skills and experience.

Help us build a better Wells Fargo. It all begins with outstanding talent. It all begins with you.

Wells Fargo's Experience Design (XD) group is hiring Principal User Researchers...

How to post a job to IxDA SF

The IxDA SF jobs section reaches San Francisco's top design talent. Post a job FREE today!

How to post a job

1. You need to be a member to post a job (join our community if you haven't already).

2. On the "JOBS" page, select "Add Job" (top left of the page) to add your job posting.

3. Done!

Hint: Remember for any links that you include you need to click on the "link" icon (top left) of the HTML editor and enter the information, in order to make it clickable.

Suggested template

Here is the job information that we suggest you include in your post. Feel free to simply copy and paste this as a guide for your posting.

Company Name (if confidential or agency, then enter "Confidential")
Company URL / Company Job Posting URL
Job Location (City and State)
Job Title
Job Duration (Permanent or Contract)
Job Description
Job Qualifications
Contact Information


How much does a posting cost?

When will my posting go up?

If you have further questions about the job board or posting jobs to IxDA SF, feel free to contact the SF Local Leaders.