Friends (19)

  • Kelly Green

    TitleMFA Design Candidate // Designer CompanyCalifornia College of the Arts // DKG
  • George Penston

    TitleVP of Product Design CompanyFlite Interestsweb app development, HTML/CSS, visual design, icon design
  • Lisa B. Woods

    TitleLisa B. Woods a user experience designer who enjoys the full range of the design process—from research and insights, to concept development, to implementation and branding. Interestsuser experience, interaction design, persuasive technology, installation art
  • Kathleen Moynahan

    TitleInteraction Designer
  • Dina Sporer

    TitleVisual & UI/UX Designer Companyfreelance
  • Holden Hardcastle

    TitleDuring my professional career I have lead teams on community and brochure site redesigns, created mock ups and other assets for on-line properties; worked with outside vendors to develop systems and workflows for on-line content distribution; set standards for best-in-class DVDs and downloadable content; played key roles on various marketing campaigns; and worked in news environments CompanyFour Eleven Productions InterestsUser Experience, Design, Film, Photography
  • Allison Bucchere

    TitlePassionate about interactive design and business value of design. Leads UX department at mature startup. Former AOL VP of Design. InterestsBranding, product design, strategy, business value of design, agile development.
  • Elysa Soffer

    TitleUX Design & Research
  • Chris Schulz

    Titleexcited about design and user experience
  • Garett Dworman

    Titlebridging the business decision to the realization CompanyTeced, Inc.
  • Andres Jimenez

    TitleI design stuff for things that are are used by people CompanyPunchcut InterestsInteractiond design, service design and physical computing
  • Karl Nieberding

    TitleInteraction designer at eBay. CMU alum.
  • Sean Savage

    TitleUX Design Lead. Designer, prototyper, user researcher. InterestsMobile Experience Design, Place-Based Social Tech Design, Service Design, Design Strategy
  • Steve Haroz

    TitlePhD Student CompanyUC Davis InterestsVisual Perception & UX
  • Prooshat

    TitleInteraction Design and New Media
  • Ellen

    TitleUX/visual design with <3
  • Nathan Moody

    TitleNathan is a co-founder of Stimulant, and its design director. He has designed award-winning interfaces, interactions, illustrations, motion, and sound for nearly two decades. He is also a published author, frequent awards judge, public speaker, photographer, backpacker, and sea kayaker. CompanyStimulant InterestsNatural user interface, touch/multi-touch interactions, gestural interactions, physical installations, convergent device interactions, sound design, visual effects
  • Anubhav Jain

    Titlepassionate about bringing together business and customer needs to deliver a ‘wow’ product experience. InterestsInterface Design, Graphic Design, Design Planning
