Friends (1123)

  • Kristi

    CompanyAdobe Systems Interestsphotography multimedia design
  • Rob Adams

    CompanyAdobe Systems, Inc
  • Louise Bartlett

    CompanyAKQA Interestsinteraction design, user experience, visual design
  • Dimas Yankauskas

    TitleDimas is extremely motivated, infinitely curious, and passionate User Experiences Design professional based in San Francisco Bay Area. Focus on Mobile and Web apps CompanyAT@T Interactive InterestsUser Experience Architect.
  • Abi Jones

    TitleInteraction Design, Comics Maker CompanyGoogle InterestsInformation Architecture, Interaction Design, Usability
  • Marianne Masculino

    Titlea small package that good things come from CompanyTicketfly InterestsProduct Design, UI, Web & Visual Design
  • E Carney

    CompanyTribal Code
  • Carol Chen

    TitleGraduate student in interaction design at UC Berkeley CompanyRedfin
  • Edo "Amin" Elan

    TitleProduct Strategy & Design for a Social World
  • Tim Stutts

    TitleInteraction Designer/ Creative Developer Interests• Experienced in user interface design, user experience, information architecture, social media, data visualization, and evolving ideas into products and productions. • Wire-framing and graphical user interface design for mobile and desktop applications using OmniGraffle and Fireworks. • Creative development / motion graphics proficiency in Processing (Java), OpenFrameworks (C++), and Three.js/ProcessingJS (Javascript/HTML5/CSS3). • Background in sound design with ProTools, Logic and Max/MSP.
  • Ellen

    TitleUX/visual design with <3
  • Greg Nudelman

    TitleI help large and mid-size companies serve their customers better by designing a user experience that works. I am the author of Designing Search: UX Strategies for eCommerce Success (Wiley, 2011). CompanyDesignCaffeine, Inc. InterestsUX Design, mobile, tablet, iPhone, Web 2.0
  • Jesse Zbikowski

    CompanySelf Employed Interestsmaps, linux, audio, video, embedded, device software, javascript, ajax
