Friends (11)

  • IxDA SF

    TitleIxDA SF CompanyThe San Francisco chapter of the Interaction Design Association
  • corey bernardo

    TitlePassionate leader and coach, focused on cultivating energetic teams, motivated by a culture of innovation with proven experience establishing highly talented and productive user experience teams. CompanyThe Active Network Interestsuser experience, user research, creative design
  • Maren Connary

    TitleDesign and Medtech supplicant CompanyKaiser Permanente InterestsDesign Strategy, Healthcare UX
  • Adam

    TitleUser Experience designer assessing requirements in order to create the best possible UX through wireframing, GUI design, and prototyping. CompanyXoom InterestsUX, IA, UI, Health Care, Enterprise Applications
  • Shalin

    TitleBorn in Africa, raised in North Carolina, and of Indian decent, I am a cultural smorgasbord. CompanyHot Studio InterestsUser Experience & Visual Design
  • jennifer lum

    TitleIf the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. -Wm Blake InterestsHuman-Centered Design Research
  • Jennifer Quigley

    TitleInteraction designer / artist CompanyJenq Design InterestsIxD & UX ~ UI wireframes
  • Bryan Haggerty

  • Josh Damon Williams

    TitleBeardless IxD, writer, & DJ CompanyHot Studio, Inc.
  • danielle malik

    Titledesigner / strategist CompanyFacebook InterestsUser experience, strategy, mobile, NUI, user research and testing
